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Product code: B1-PWH | ID: 246436
Upright Piano. Undercutting lesser competitors while retaining Yamaha's high standards, the b1 offers the joy of Yamaha ownership at a price that will astonish and delight. Produced at a Yamaha factory in Indonesia from a scale design developed in Japan, b Series pianos are Yamaha's most affordable entry-level uprights. Although reduced production costs allow budget-friendly prices, Yamaha makes no compromises in the materials and workmanship that go into these exceptional uprights. Supported by four sturdy wooden back posts and a strong cast iron frame, b Series pianos are endowed with Yamaha's renowned pure, clear tone. High-grade hammers and a proven action design offer effortless playing and a highly responsive keyboard 'touch' that make these uprights ideal for beginning players. Yamaha's b Series features pianos in a range of heights, widths, and depths. The b1 and b2 boast slender profiles, making them ideal for small spaces. With its larger dimensions and heavier construction, the b3 upright requires a little more room but brings a rich, far-reaching sound. Finish: Polished White
Number of keys: 88
Key surface: Acrylic Resin
Black key surface: Phenolic Resin with Wooden Filler
Pedal Type: Damper, Muffler, Soft
Hammer: b Series Special
Frame: V Pro
The glossy finish gives any surface an elegant and luxurious look. This type of finish is achieved by applying several layers of lacquer or resin, which are then polished to a high gloss. This provides a smooth, reflective finish, enhancing color and structure of substrate. The glossy finish not only improves aesthetics, but also protects against dust, moisture and minor scratches.
Hammer Action piano technology replicates the feel of an acoustic piano by simulating the weight and resistance of real keys for a more authentic playing experience. This technology enhances player control and expressiveness, making digital pianos more suitable for classical and advanced piano techniques.
This instrument has 88 keys, equivalent to 7 1/4 octaves, providing a wide range of tones for a variety of musical applications.
Piano Type
Keyboard Technology
Keyboard Type
Keyboard Finish
Number of Keys
Original Colour by Producer
Incl. Hardware
Yamaha hardware
Yamaha Strings
Made in
Based on the number of reviews: 1
All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.
Gabriela P.
Klavír Yamaha B1 PWH je kvalitný hudobný nástroj. Na prvý pohľad ulahodí oku jednoduchým dizajnom, čistými líniami a nádhernou povrchovou úpravou. Vysoký lesk dreva mu pridáva punc luxusu, čo motivuje človeka k jemným dotykom a celkovému zachádzaniu. Vonkajší vzhľad úplne korešponduje s vysoko kvalitným vnútorným spracovaním, čo sa dá okamžite zistiť podľa zvuku klávesníc, ktorý by som označila ako "strieborný". Nástroj láka tak nie len svojou vonkajšou krásou, ale aj dokonalou funkčnosťou. Vysoko oceňujem výrobcov tohto nástroja ! Škoda len, že predaj takto kvalitných nástrojov realizujú ľudia, ktorí svojim prístupom k zákazníkovi demonštrujú minimum ústretovosti a záujmu. Ide o tím jednotlivcov, ktorí si povinnosti prehadzujú jeden k druhému ako loptu. V konečnom dôsledku kazia dojem z nákupu, čo mňa osobne stálo veľa nervov a ústilo až do rozhodnutia odstúpiť od zmluvy a nástroj hľadať u iného predajcu. Až po tomto podnete sa veci rozbehli a ja som sa po viac ako mesačnom čakaní stala majiteľkou krásnej Yamahy.
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