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Talamex Piano AISI 304 - 91cm Boat Hinge

Talamex Piano AISI 304 - 91cm Boat Hinge

Piano Hinge is made of polished stainless steel AISI304. Sheet thickness 0.8 mm. Diameter hole 5 mm. The spacing of the holes (distance between the holes) is 100 mm.
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Boat Hinge Talamex Piano AISI 304 - 91cm Boat Hinge

Talamex Piano AISI 304 - 91cm Boat Hinge

35.90 €

Product code: 43799091 | ID: 274523

Talamex Piano AISI 304 - 91cm Boat Hinge

Piano Hinge is made of polished stainless steel AISI304. Sheet thickness 0.8 mm. Diameter hole 5 mm. The spacing of the holes (distance between the holes) is 100 mm.

Dimensions and Weight




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